Exego is the solution for digitizing the recording of work reports conveniently and on the go, attaching photos of receipts and invoices. Manage work reports with just a few clicks.
The functionality of the service is subject to the use of the Exego app.

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Who uses exego for work reports?

Sole traders or small businesses
Sole traders and businesses in all fields use exego every day to generate work reports with just a few clicks and send them to their clients. Whether you’re a gardener or a carpenter, whether your team is large or small: exego makes this daily task simple.

Auto repair shops, workshops and mechanics
In some fields, keeping track of the time spent on each job is crucial. This is precisely the case for workshops, and exego allows the creation of detailed work reports in just a few minutes.

Dynamic businesses, entrepreneurs on the go
Both in the startup period and when running a fully-fledged company, business owners often work on the go and want to invest their time well. exego allows them (and their team) to create work reports in record time.

Freelancers in every field
Freelancers and sole proprietorships often don’t have anyone (internally or externally) dedicated to administrative tasks. That’s why they use exego to create instant digital work reports and send them to their clients.

Startups and businesses of any size
When starting a new business, all resources must be dedicated to strategic operations and the core business. That’s why exego is designed to simplify administrative tasks, providing access to services that are scalable and expandable over time.